In your notebook, write a story about the lesson with your teacher's dog. Use the information in the writing box. Use the model text in Exercise 4. Use the words you chose in Exercise 6. Last Friday...
(знаю фото не из лучших)​



Ответ дал: igorrecha3


Last Friday, our class had a memorable lesson with our teacher's adorable dog named Max. It was an unexpected surprise that brought excitement and enthusiasm into our usually mundane classroom.

As soon as Max entered the classroom, a wave of delight washed over us. With his wagging tail and playful demeanor, he instantly became the center of attention. Our teacher, Ms. Johnson, had brought him to the lesson to teach us about responsibility and the importance of caring for animals.

Seated at our desks, we eagerly listened as Ms. Johnson explained how having a pet is a big responsibility. She emphasized the need to provide them with love, care, and attention just like we would for any family member. Max, who was happily exploring the room, seemed to understand the lesson perfectly, wagging his tail even more vigorously as if in agreement.

To put the lesson into practice, Ms. Johnson assigned us group projects in which we had to create posters about responsible pet ownership. Each group brainstormed ideas on how to deliver the message effectively. My group decided to focus on the importance of regular exercise for pets and how it contributes to their overall well-being.

We enthusiastically worked on our posters, sketching out colorful images of dogs playing in the park and taking them for walks. As we decorated our posters, Max wandered over to observe our progress, providing us with some much-needed inspiration.

While we worked, Max curiously sniffed around the classroom, occasionally stealing a quick lick or two from our hands. It was clear that his presence alone had brightened the atmosphere, making the lesson not only educational but also joyous.

After completing our posters, we took turns presenting them to the class. Each group proudly explained the message behind their creation, and Max sat attentively, seemingly appreciating our efforts. Ms. Johnson praised our hard work and commended us for coming up with such creative and informative pieces.

The lesson with Max turned out to be a wonderful experience that taught us much more than just responsible pet ownership. It taught us the importance of empathy, compassion, and the joy that animals can bring into our lives. It was a lesson that we would remember for a long time, a moment that bonded us as a class, and a day that made us all fall a little bit more in love with Max, the furry star of our classroom.

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