скласти 12 речень про сім'ю в мене в сім'ї тато,мама,2 брата одному 6 лет второма 12 срочноооо на англійській мові​


Ответ дал: pochkanemca


In my family, there are five of us: my dad, my mom, and two brothers.

My dad is a hardworking man who always takes care of us.

My mom is a loving and caring mother who makes delicious meals for us.

I have two brothers, one of them is six years old, and the other is twelve.

The younger brother is a bundle of energy, and he's always excited to play games.

The older brother is a bit more serious and helps me with my schoolwork.

We enjoy spending time together as a family, whether it's playing board games or going for a hike.

Family dinners are essential, and we talk about our day and share stories.

We celebrate special occasions like birthdays with cake and gifts.

My family is my support system, and I know they'll always be there for me.

We have our share of disagreements, but we always work things out and forgive each other.

I feel lucky to have such a loving and close-knit family.


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