Питання №1 Lora told me that she ______to leave for Kyiv the next week. А) is going Б) has gone В) were going Г) was going
Питання №2 The teacher ______a report on the World War II. А) told Jack to make Б) tell to Jack to make В) told Jack make Г) told to Jack to make
Питання №3 Paul said that he ______keen on drawing. А) was Б) is В) has been Г) were
Питання №4 The manager said the delegation _____ arrive the next day. А) would Б) will В) were Г) are
Питання №5 Emma ______worry about her health. А) ask to me not to Б) asked to not В) asked me not to Г) asked not
Питання №6 They said that the fort _________ open till 9 p.m for tourists. А) will be kept Б) would be kept В) are kept Г) will kept
Питання №7 I______my friend that I ______time to play the piano. А) told, have no Б) tells, did not have В) told, did not have Г) told to, had not have Питання №8 John answered that he ______very early, so he ______the news. А) went to bed, hadn't seen Б) had gone to bed, hadn't seen В) has gone to bed, hasn't seen Г) had gone to bed, didn't see
Питання №9 I replied that I _____ her when I ______back. А) will phone, got Б) would phone, got В) will have phoned, will have come Г) is to phone, get
Питання №10 Mary said that Paris ______beautiful in spring. А) is Б) has been В) was Г) were
Питання №11 He said that they _________ the steamer by six o’clock. А) will have unloaded Б) would had unloaded В) would have unloaded Г) would have unload
Питання №12 I said that I ______if I ______time. А) will go, have Б) would go, had В) would go, have had Г) will go, had
Питання №13 Noah exclaimed that he ______that car since his farther gave it to him and that there had been no complaints. А) had driven Б) had been driving В) drove Г) was driving
Питання №14 Harper said that she _______ hard all the time. А) worked Б) were working В) had worked Г) had been working
Питання №15 William said that the buyers _____ the goods _____ by the railway. А) want, send Б) wanted, to be sent В) wanted, are sent Г) wanted, to be send
Питання №16 My sister said she ______ very ill but she was ______ much better. А) had been, was feeling Б) is, feels В) was, was feeling Г) had been, feeling
Питання №17 Aunt said that my sneakers were wet through and asked if I ______all the way from the station in that rain. А) has walked Б) had walked В) walking Г) was walking Питання №18 Mr. Anderson advised me to speak slowly if I______them to understand me. А) had wanted Б) want В) wanted Г) would want
Питання №19 Therefore she _______________ that some of her staff were breaking the law. А) ought to know Б) ought to have known В) ought known Г) ought know
Питання №20 Olivia answered that she ______wake up early in the morning when she was young. А) did get used to Б) is getting used to В) gets used to Г) used to
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I really need to give 100 points and become your slave forever
пж очень надо даю 100 баллов и становлюсь вашим рабом навсегда​


Ответ дал: Пеппер

Lora told me that she was going to leave for Kyiv the next week. - Лора сказала мне, что собирается уехать в Киев на следующей неделе.

The teacher told Jack to make a report on the World War II. - Учитель посоветовал Джеку сделать доклад о Второй мировой войне.

Paul said that he was keen on drawing. - Пол сказал, что увлекается рисованием.

The manager said the delegation would arrive the next day. - Менеджер сказал, что делегация прибудет на следующий день.

Emma asked me not to worry about her health. - Эмма попросила меня не беспокоиться о ее здоровье.

They said that the fort would be kept open till 9 p.m for tourists. - Они сказали, что форт будет открыт для туристов до 21:00.

I told my friend that I did not have time to play the piano. - Я сказал своему другу, что у меня нет времени играть на пианино.

John answered that he had gone to bed very early, so he hadn't seen the news. - Джон ответил, что он лег спать очень рано и не видел новостей.

I replied that I would phone her when I got back. - Я ответил, что позвоню ей, когда вернусь.

Mary said that Paris was beautiful in spring. - Мэри сказала, что Париж прекрасен весной.

He said that they would have unloaded the steamer by six o’clock. - Он сказал, что  пароход разгрузят к шести часам.

I said that I would go if I had time. - Я сказал, что пойду, если у меня будет время.

Noah exclaimed that he had been driving that car since his father gave it to him and that there had been no complaints. - Ной воскликнул, что он водил эту машину с тех пор, как отец подарил ее ему, и что на него не было никаких жалоб.

Harper said that she had been working hard all the time. - Харпер сказала, что она все время много работала.

William said that the buyers wanted the goods to be sent by the railway. - Уильям сказал, что покупатели хотели, чтобы товар был отправлен по железной дороге.

My sister said she had been very ill but she was feeling much better. - Моя сестра сказала, что ей было очень плохо, но она чувствует себя намного лучше.

Aunt said that my sneakers were wet through and asked if I had walked all the way from the station in that rain. - Тётя сказала, что мои кроссовки насквозь промокли, и спросила, прошёл ли я весь путь от вокзала в тот дождь.

Mr. Anderson advised me to speak slowly if I wanted them to understand me. - Мистер Андерсон посоветовал мне говорить медленно, если я хочу, чтобы меня поняли.

Therefore she ought to have known that some of her staff were breaking the law. - Поэтому она должна была знать, что некоторые из ее сотрудников нарушают закон.

Olivia answered that she used to wake up early in the morning when she was young. - Оливия ответила, что  она просыпалась рано утром,  когда была молодая.

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