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Discuss the following questions. You can use some of the words/phrases in the box.

• Do you think that art courses are an important part of the school curriculum? Why / Why not?

• In your opinion, how do arts festivals promote the arts (music, dance, theatre, movies, etc.)?

• What form of art do you appreciate most? Why?
Допоміжні слова ( develop talent,encourage creativity,
cultivate cultural awareness,
expose to, broaden horizons)


Ответ дал: didarmyrawon


1. Phrases in the box

2. Why

3. musik , movies

4 develor

Ответ дал: yabl0k0o


На первый вопрос:

I think that art courses are indeed an important part of the school curriculum. Art courses encourage creativity, teach students new skills and develop their talents. In addition to this, new experiences broaden horizons. Art may also help to relax and relieve stress. Moreover, pupils are able to find new friends based off their interests. ( 5 предложений)

На третий вопрос:

In my opinion, any form of art is worthy of appreciation. However, if I were to pick my favourite, it would be movies. Movies have been gaining a lot of attention in recent years. Most of them concern crucial social topics, that make one cultivate cultural awareness and widen horizons. I think that movies may even help society as a whole in a long term perspective. (5 предложений)


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