a. on

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d: (16 Marks)

1. My brothers and I ……………………………………………….. our success to the efforts of our parents.

a. own

b. belong

c. lend

d. owe

2. The children were asked to stand in a

a. law

b. raw

c. row

d. rue

3. I could see him. ........ at me and telling the other guests what I had said.

a. pointing

b. fronting

c. shooting

d. circling

4. Sooner or later, terrorism will disappear.......... ...... our life.

b. from

c. into

d. of

5. Rescuers used a special...... for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.

a. realize

b. advice

c. device

d. delight

6. I.. .this man for his determination and strong will.

a. admire

b. press

c. donate

d. collect

7. Click on this link to visit our ..... bookstore.

a. offline

b. lining

c. line

d. online

8. My father drives me my school every morning.

a. at

b. about

c. with

d. to

9. I know this idea sounds .... , but it may be worth a try.

a. amazing

b. crazy

c. dizzy

d. interesting

10. A/An........ is someone who judges less serious crimes in a court of law.

a. magistrate

b. delegate

c. criminal

d. engineer

spicy foods.

a. don't use to

b. didn't use to

c. am not used to

d. wasn't used for

12. At eleven last night, she .......... her homework.

a. have done

b. was doing

c. was done

d. doing

13. Never.......

to school late.

a. does he come

b. he comes

c. comes he

d. is he come

14. I haven't tried Chinese food..... .......... It has never happened.

a. before

b. ago

c. since

15. The man .... his mobile while driving so he paid a fine.

a. was using

b. has used

c. was used

d. uses

16. Have you finished ......... that book that I gave you?

a. to read

b. reading

c. read

d. reads

d. yet


Ответ дал: kateeee050712


1. d. owe

2. c. row

3. a. pointing

4. from

5. c. device

6. a. admire

7. d. online

8. d. to

9. b. crazy

10. a. magistrate

11. c. am not used to

12. b. was doing

13. a. does he come

14. a. before

15. a. was using

16. b. reading


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