50 БАЛЛОВ!! Английский срочно помогите пожалуйста

Write gradable or non-gradable for the underlined adjectives.

1. He is very angry about it. _______________
He is furious about it. ________________

2. It’s a beautiful view. ________________
It’s a stunning view. ________________

3. It’s freezing today. ________________
It’s cold today. ________________

4. That new flat is perfect. ________________
That flat is very good. ________________

5. These paintings are valuable.________________
These ancient vases are priceless.________________

6. Our time together was gorgeous.________________
We had a nice time together.________________

7. Tim is exhausted after the day of work.________________
Tina is very tired. ________________

8. His behaviour is rude. ________________
His behaviour is outrageous.________________

9. The weather was horrible.________________
The weather was nasty. ________________


Ответ дал: dimonchop


1. He is very angry about it. (gradable)

  He is furious about it. (non-gradable)

2. It’s a beautiful view. (gradable)

  It’s a stunning view. (non-gradable)

3. It’s freezing today. (non-gradable)

  It’s cold today. (gradable)

4. That new flat is perfect. (non-gradable)

  That flat is very good. (gradable)

5. These paintings are valuable. (gradable)

  These ancient vases are priceless. (non-gradable)

6. Our time together was gorgeous. (non-gradable)

  We had a nice time together. (gradable)

7. Tim is exhausted after the day of work. (non-gradable)

  Tina is very tired. (gradable)

8. His behavior is rude. (gradable)

  His behavior is outrageous. (non-gradable)

9. The weather was horrible. (gradable)

  The weather was nasty. (gradable)

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