Match the parts of thе sentences

1. Most teens need
2. Exercising is good for you because
3. Experts recommend teenagers
4. You should eat...
5. Good night sleep...
6. People who eat healthy food..

A. fell and look better.
Б. five fruit or vegetables every day.
В. is important for everybody
Г. take sixty minutes of physical activity every day.
Д. it can intensify your energy
Е. nine hours of sleep each night.​


Ответ дал: dimonchop


1. Most teens need - Е. nine hours of sleep each night.

2. Exercising is good for you because - Д. it can intensify your energy.

3. Experts recommend teenagers - Г. take sixty minutes of physical activity every day.

4. You should eat... - Б. five fruit or vegetables every day.

5. Good night sleep... - В. is important for everybody.

6. People who eat healthy food.. - A. feel and look better.

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