2 Complete the sentences about films with the adjectives in the box. 1 The ending wasn't a surprise, it was very 2 The film was really In fact, I fell asleepl 3 I cried at the end of the film because it was so Most James Bond films start with a 4 dull moving predictable serious spectacular violent 5 It was a scenes. film, with a lot of blood in the fight 6 There was one funny scene, but most of the film was Mark​


Ответ дал: kateeee050712


1. The ending wasn't a surprise, it was very predictable.

2. The film was really dull. In fact, I fell asleep.

3. I cried at the end of the film because it was so moving.

4. Most James Bond films start with a spectacular opening scene.

5. It was a violent film, with a lot of blood in the fight scenes.

6. There was one funny scene, but most of the film was serious.


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