5. Work in pairs. Act out the situation. Pupil A. Describe your favourite food from your lunchbox to your friend. Pupil B. Guess what food your friend takes to school.​



Ответ дал: rahlenko007


Pupil A (You): "I have this amazing food in my lunchbox that I absolutely love. It's a sandwich with a special sauce, and it's packed with layers of ingredients like lettuce, tomatoes, and some delicious cheese. It's so good!"

Pupil B (Your Friend): "Hmm, is it a turkey and cheese sandwich with mayonnaise and mustard?"

Pupil A (You): "Close, but not quite. The special sauce is different from mayonnaise and mustard, and there's one more ingredient that makes it extra tasty."

Pupil B (Your Friend): "Is it a chicken Caesar salad wrap with Caesar dressing?"

Pupil A (You): "Yes, that's it! It's a chicken Caesar salad wrap with Caesar dressing. You got it!"

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