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Ответ дал: kateeee050712

It seems like you're working on some language exercises or questions. Let me help you with the correct options for these sentences:

31. It rains a lot here. I wish it **didn't** rain so often.

32. She doesn't like this way. **(a) to treat**

33. My mother fell asleep by the trip. **(a) exhausting**

34. I hear you had a party yesterday. You invited us! **(c) might have**

35. She was looking forward to **(c) seeing them again**.

36. Patrick promised Mary that he **would write** to her as soon as he arrived.

37. Peter would buy a car if it **weren't** so expensive.

38. "You all information when the time comes", said Mr. Holmes. **(a) will be given**

39. There are **(d) not much** things I'd like to say.

40. He is a taxi driver, so he is accustomed to **(d) driving** in the busy town center.

Ответ дал: oLe08
31 a 32 d 33 c 34 c 35 b 36 c 37 a 38 a 39 a 40 d
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