1.Kevin wants to join a) a sports club b) a youth club c) a tennis club 2.Dave and Kevin love playing a) football b) compute games c) tennis 3. Kevin can't stand a) hip-hop b) karaoke c)getting up early 4.Kevin's sister likes doing a) washing up b)arts and crafts c) homework 5.Kevin's sister is a) fourteen b) sixteen c)seventeen 6.The club is open on Friday till a) six b) eight c) ten​


Ответ дал: levbukay


1 Kevin wants to join:

a) a sports club

c) a tennis club

2 Dave and Kevin love playing:

a) football

c) tennis

3 Kevin can't stand:

b) karaoke

c) getting up early

4 Kevin's sister likes doing:

b) arts and crafts

5 Kevin's sister is:

b) sixteen

6 The club is open on Friday till:

b) eight

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