Despite the fact that everyone knows that smoking is harmful, there are so many smokers. Many of them begin to smoke in their teens and continue smoking till old age.
It is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are younger than 18. Nevertheless a great number of teenagers smoke. This bad habit is especially harmful for the young organism, because smoking affects normal development of the growing body.
Some teenagers say that it is “cool” to smoke. But is it really “cool” to have bad breath, yellow teeth, wheezing and coughing? In highly developed countries the number of smokers is decreasing each year. Nowadays it is “cool” not to smoke.
Smokers are physically weaker than non-smokers. So if you smoke you’ll never become a sportsman.
Long-term smoking leads to different serious diseases. Among them are heart diseases, bronchitis, asthma and cancers of different organs. Lung cancer is the most common type of cancer among smokers.
If you think you will be able to give up smoking any time you wish, you are mistaken. Cigarettes contain nicotine. This substance is very addictive. So if you smoke for some time it will be difficult to give up smoking.
About 3 million people die from smoking every year. Some of them do not smoke at all. They are so-called passive smokers. They are people who live or work with heavy smokers. Remember, when you smoke, your friends and relatives suffer from your bad habit too.
There‘s one more thing. Count how much money is spent on cigarettes. There are a lot of pleasant and useful things you can afford on this sum of money.

Fill in the sentences with the words from the right column (write down the appropriate letter in the blank space):

1. Many of them begin to ______________ their teens and continue smoking till old age.
2. It is illegal to _____________ cigarettes if you are younger than 18.
3. Your friends and relatives_____________ your bad habit too.
a. buy
b. suffer from
c. smoke

Fill in the sentences in the left column with the words from the right column. Use the appropriate grammatical form for the inserted words.

1. If only one member of the family _________________ all the others suffer too.
2. Long-term__________can lead to lung cancer.
3. The teeth of _____________________ are healthier than teeth of smokers.
4. The X-ray shows that the lungs of long-term ___________________ are in worse condition than the lungs of miners.
a. non-smoker (некурящий)
b. smoker (курящий)
c. smoking (паління)
d. to smoke (палити)

Ex. 4 Match the columns to make up word combinations (write down the appropriate letter in the blank space). Make up the sentences with these word combinations.

1. addictive ____
2. bad ____
3. growing ____
4. heavy ____
5. lung______
6. passive ______

a. smoker
b. body
c. cancer
d. substance
e. smoker
f. habit


Ответ дал: rahlenko007


Fill in the sentences with the words from the right column:

1. Many of them begin to smoke their teens and continue smoking till old age.

2. It is illegal to buy cigarettes if you are younger than 18.

3. Your friends and relatives suffer from your bad habit too.

Fill in the sentences in the left column with the words from the right column:

1. If only one member of the family smokes, all the others suffer too.

2. Long-term smoking can lead to lung cancer.

3. The teeth of non-smokers are healthier than teeth of smokers.

4. The X-ray shows that the lungs of long-term smokers are in worse condition than the lungs of miners.

Match the columns to make up word combinations:

1. addictive substance

2. bad habit

3. growing body

4. heavy smoker

5. lung cancer

6. passive smoker

Example sentences:

- Smoking is an addictive substance that can be hard to quit.

- Developing a bad habit like smoking can have serious health consequences.

- The growing body of a teenager is particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of smoking.

- A heavy smoker is at a higher risk of developing various health issues.

- Lung cancer is a severe disease often associated with smoking.

- Passive smokers are people who inhale secondhand smoke and can also experience health problems as a result.

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