Change the following sentences into Direct Speech. Do not forget the inverted commas.

2. Henry told the teacher that he liked Arithmetic, but he didn't like Algebra.

3. The judge told the thief that he would send him to prison for six months.

4 The teacher told his pupils that he was going to give them a test.

5. We told the teacher that we didn't understand his question.

6. The carpenter said that he wouldn't make the furniture before he was paid half the price.

7. I told you that I hadn't seen your brother for a long time.

8. She told the grocer that she didn't want any sugar.

1. Jack told his mother that he might come home late.

2. I told the taxi-driver that he was driving too quickly.

3. The servant said that she couldn't work on Sundays.

4. The gardener told the children that they might pick the flowers.

5. The teacher told us this morning that we had to listen more carefully to him.

6. She said that her children were playing in the garden

. 7. The teacher told his pupils that he was pleased with their work.

8. Mary said that she hadn't got a watch.


Ответ дал: klocanovdima
"I might come home late," Jack told his mother.
"You are driving too quickly," I told the taxi-driver.
"I can't work on Sundays," the servant said.
"You might pick the flowers," the gardener told the children.
"You have to listen more carefully to me," the teacher told us this morning.
"My children are playing in the garden," she said.
"I am pleased with your work," the teacher told his pupils.
"I haven't got a watch," Mary said.
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