Вставте відповідний артикль, де такий необхідний.

We are in (1)... Scotland. Its capital is (2)... Edinburgh. It is one of (3).... most beautiful cities in (4).... Great Britain. There are (5)... many places of interest here. (6).... monument to (7).... Walter Scott is in (8)... centre of (9)... city. (10) ... National Gallery of Scotland is also situated in (11).... centre. There is (12).... collection of fine (13)... pictures in (14)... gallery. (15)... Glasgow is (16) ... greatest city in (17) . Scotland. Scotland is (18) ... land of (19)... lakes. They are called "Lochs" there. Let us to go now (20) Loch Lomond. What (21).... beautiful lake it is!


Ответ дал: azizasirajiddinova16



2. capital of Edinburgh

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9. a

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