помогите пожалуйста дам 45 баллов 8 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of have to and the verbs in brackets. Louise Do you help with the housework at home, Thalia? Thalia Yes, I do. Louise What' Thalia Well, 12 house, but 1³ table for dinner every day. My brother does more housework than me. Louise What Thalia Hes ? (you/do) (not clean) the (set) the every night after dinner. But he 6 ? (your brother/ da (load) the dishwasher morning. (not/unload) it. My dad does that in the​



Ответ дал: andriyshef10


1. what do you have to do?

2. well, I don't have to clean the house, but I need to set the table

3. what your brother has to do?

4. he has to load the dishwasher

5. but he don't has to unload it


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