II. Match the part of the brain with its function. 7. It's in charge of the balance, the posture and coordination. 8. The largest part of the brain, composed of right and left hemispheres. 9. It performs involuntary actions such as breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, many reflexes. 10. Some of its functions are: releasing hormones, regulating body temperature, controlling appetite. 11. Reading, interpreting colors and distance, recognizing faces are some of its functions. 12. It has a major role in learning and storing long-term memories. 13. Some of its functions are: hearing, speech, memory, and processing emotions. 14. It provides sensory information to the brain including touch, pain, temperature, and mathematical calculations. 15. Planning, problem solving, movement, decision making, learning, memory, impulse control are some of its functions. a) Brainstem b) Hypothalamus c) Hippocampus d) Frontal Lobes e) Occipital Lobes f) Temporal Lobes g) Cerebrum h) Cerebellum i) Parietal Lobes​


Ответ дал: bangbang767


Here are the matches for the parts of the brain with their functions:

7 It s in charge of balance, posture, and coordination. - Cerebellum (h)

8 The largest part of the brain, composed of right and left hemispheres. - Cerebrum (g)

9 It performs involuntary actions such as breathing, blood pressure, heartbeat, many reflexes. - Brainstem (a)

10 Some of its functions are: releasing hormones, regulating body temperature, controlling appetite. - Hypothalamus (b)

11 Reading, interpreting colors and distance, recognizing faces are some of its functions. - Occipital Lobes (e)

12 It has a major role in learning and storing long-term memories. - Hippocampus (c)

13 Some of its functions are: hearing, speech, memory, and processing emotions. Temporal Lobes (f)

14 It provides sensory information to the brain including touch paintemperature, and mathematical calculations. Parietal Lobes (i)

15 Planning, problem-solving, movement, decision making, learning, memory, impulse control are some of its functions. = Frontal Lobes (d)


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