9. Put the sentences in the correct order in accor the words in bold. 1) We should help the orphan children sharing clothing, food, books, toys, etc. 2) Without the people's concern these kids would die in hardships. 3) There is no good that children live without parental care. 4) Child abandonment can be caused by parent's fail to take care of a child or because young age of the parents. 5) The orphanage has reached a troubling state where babies are abandoned in th outrageous way. 6) Teenager's need of family care or attention may take them too far in search of a "soul 7) Each of us can improve the quality of life of the underprivileged. 8) The cases of child abandonment have become more considerable among other societie 9) Although orphans might never meet their parents, but they have the right to enjoy 10) Our state should provide these children with everything for a happy, cared-for life,​


Ответ дал: danyakotenov


There is no good that children live without parental care.

Child abandonment can be caused by parent’s fail to take care of a child or because young age of the parents.

The orphanage has reached a troubling state where babies are abandoned in the outrageous way.

Without the people’s concern these kids would die in hardships.

We should help the orphan children sharing clothing, food, books, toys, etc.

Teenager’s need of family care or attention may take them too far in search of a “soul mate”.

The cases of child abandonment have become more considerable among other societies.

Each of us can improve the quality of life of the underprivileged.

Although orphans might never meet their parents, but they have the right to enjoy a happy, cared-for life.

Our state should provide these children with everything for a happy, cared-for life.

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