найти слово образование
1. He looks exhausted as he has been
lately. (work)
2. We have
our budget for decorating the house.
3. Never
_ your enemy. (estimate)
4. When planning your holiday, make sure not to travel insurance. (look)
… your
5. Eventually, she managed to
her shyness in class.
6. There was no seat for me, because the line has beeen (book).
7. Do not properly. (load)
_ the washing machine or it will not work
8. I
_ a funny conversation on the bus this morning. (hear)
9. She put the figures up on the board to seriousness of the situation. (line)
10. They were forced to admit that they had … abilities. (estimate)
11. When the meat finally arrived, it was that we could not eat it. (cook)
and so tough
12. I missed the train this morning because I _
_ again.
13. The milk
_ when I poured it into the jug. (flow)
14. I think it is a good thing that we cannot
the future.
15. They
_ a large drop in unemployment over the next
few years. (cast)
16. It is impossible to affect the future. (see)
_ exactly how our actions will


Ответ дал: meowwxsn

1. He looks exhausted as he has been working lately.

2. We have spent our budget for decorating the house.

3. Never underestimate your enemy.

4. When planning your holiday, make sure not to overlook travel insurance.

5. Eventually, she managed to overcome her shyness in class.

6. There was no seat for me, because the line has been booked.

7. Do not overload the washing machine or it will not work properly.

8. I overheard a funny conversation on the bus this morning.

9. She put the figures up on the board to underline the seriousness of the situation.

10. They were forced to admit that they had underestimated her abilities.

11. When the meat finally arrived, it was cooked so tough that we could not eat it.

12. I missed the train this morning because I overslept again.

13. The milk flowed when I poured it into the jug.

14. I think it is a good thing that we cannot predict the future.

15. They forecast a large drop in unemployment over the next few years.

16. It is impossible to foresee exactly how our actions will affect the future.

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