Срочно!!! ПОМОГИТЕ
C Complete the text with the or..

(1)___Morocco is a country in (2)___northwest of (3)___Africa. It has coasts on (4)___ Atlantic Ocean and (5)___ Mediterranean Sea. (6)____ capital city is (7)___ Rabat.(8)___ Atlas Mountains run through (9)____ country from east to west. To (10)____ south is (11)___ Sahara Desert. To (12)____ east and south is (13)___ Algeria​


Ответ дал: annpetr5529


1) x (no article)

2) the

3) x (no article)

4) the

5) the

6) The

7) x (no article)

8) The

9) the

10) the

11) the

12) the

13) x (no article)


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