Add -ing to the verbs in these sentences.

8 I'm 1 I'm met the beds. (make) 4 I'm always........ things. (forget) 7 I'm the 9.04. (catch) 2 I'm........ 3 I'm a sandwich. (eat) 5 I'm ........ on my coat. (put) ........ a letter. (write) 6 I'm abroad. (travel) of thirst. (die) your case. (carry) 9 I'm



Ответ дал: meowwxsn

1. I'm making the beds.

2. I'm eating a sandwich.

3. I'm forgetting things.

4. I'm catching the 9:04.

5. I'm putting on my coat.

6. I'm writing a letter.

7. I'm traveling abroad.

8. I'm dying of thirst.

9. I'm carrying your case.

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