2 Choose the correct answers. 1 Which one is NOT a fruit? b pear a garlic 2 Which one is a kind of meat? a flour b beef 3 Which one is NOT a drink? a ice cream b smoothie 4 Which one is a dairy food? b tuna a honey 5 Which one is NOT a vegetable? a lettuce b cucumber 6 Which one is NOT sweet? a honey b crisps 7 Which one makes you feel hot? a chilli b bread rolls c pineapple c cheese clemonade c cheese c grapes c chewing gum c ice cream 5​


Ответ дал: samsonukdaana11


Here are the correct answers:

1. Which one is NOT a fruit? - a garlic

2. Which one is a kind of meat? - b beef

3. Which one is NOT a drink? - a ice cream

4. Which one is a dairy food? - c cheese

5. Which one is NOT a vegetable? - c cucumber

6. Which one is NOT sweet? - b crisps

7. Which one makes you feel hot? - a chilli

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