допоможіть будь ласка, мені це дуже терміново, я не встигаю дороибити. Треба обрати слово та поставити його у правильній формі



Ответ дал: jamilla83hh
Tom got up very early yesterday morning and **took** a bath. Then he **went** down to the kitchen and **had** two pieces of toast and **drank** a glass of milk. Tom works in the local hospital and, yesterday he **left** the house at about 8 o'clock. He **took** the number ten bus, and he **arrived** at work at 8.30. He **said** "good morning" to his secretary, Maura, and then he **read** all the letters that were on his table. Then he **asked** Maura for a cup of coffee, and he **read** four very important letters. At one o'clock, Tom **went** for lunch in a cafe and **read** his newspaper. He **returned** to the office at two o'clock and **left** at six. He **took** the bus because a friend **drove** him in the car.

In the evening, he **swam** in the local swimming pool and **went** shopping in the local supermarket where he **bought** a lot of food. He **was** very tired in the evening, so he **watched** television. He **went** to bed at 11 o'clock, and he **dreamed** about winning the lottery.
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