Choose at least three simple words that you use and three compicated ('big') ones.

Is there a difference in meaning?

chit-chat, small talk, no clue, ambition, gossip. perspective, criteria, sacrifice, flirting, dignity.

education, eating, orientation, principles, gang, fooling around, loyalty, stuff

b) Use at least three simple and three 'big' words in your own sentences.


Ответ дал: HelloNice
Simple words: education, eating, loyalty
Big words: orientation, principles, dignity

In the context of the sentences, there is a difference in meaning between the simple and complex words. Simple words often have a more straightforward and commonly understood meaning, while complex words can be more precise or carry a nuanced meaning.

1. Education is essential for personal growth.
2. She showed great loyalty to her friends during tough times.
3. Understanding the principles of physics can be challenging.

1. His orientation towards the project was focused on innovation.
2. The politician's dignity remained intact despite the controversy.
3. The company's core principles guided its decisions.
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