9 Splodge is asking his friend Lionel the Penguin lots of questions.
Read their conversation. Fill in the gaps.
you ever eaten
Lionel No, I haven't. But I (1)
fish. I love fish.
Splodge Yuck. I hate fish. (2)
(go) to other countries?
Lionel Yes, of course! My friend Hector (3).
Splodge (4)
Lionel Yes, he has. But he (5)
(travel) round Australia three times.
he ever
very friendly koala at Wibble Zoo.
(eat) a mud pie,
(eat) some delicious
your friends ever
(meet) a koala. I know lots of koalas. There's a
(see) a kangaroo?
Splodge Great! Can we go and see him? I want to talk to him.
I (6)
(speak) to a koala in my life.
(go) to New Zealand.
Lionel No, we can't. He (7)
Splodge Is he coming back soon?
Lionel He's coming back next summer. You can meet him then.
you ever
(go) to New Zealand,
Splodge No, never. I want to go but Ruff and Tumble say it's too lan
expensive. I (9)
(fly) in
a plane. We always go everywhere in Mabel's car. It's boring!
Lionel You (10)
underwater either. That isn't boring. I can teach you. It's more
fun than flying!


Ответ дал: HelloNice
Splodge: Have you ever eaten fish, Lionel?
Lionel: No, I haven't. But I have eaten fish. I love fish.
Splodge: Yuck. I hate fish. Have you ever gone to other countries?
Lionel: Yes, of course! My friend Hector has. Have you?
Splodge: Yes, he has. But he has traveled round Australia three times.
Lionel: Have you ever eaten a mud pie, Splodge?
Splodge: No, I've never eaten a mud pie. I know lots of koalas. There's a very friendly koala at Wibble Zoo.
Lionel: Great! Can we go and see him? I want to talk to him. I've never spoken to a koala in my life.
Splodge: No, we can't. He's gone to New Zealand.
Lionel: Is he coming back soon?
Splodge: He's coming back next summer. You can meet him then. Have you ever gone to New Zealand, Lionel?
Lionel: No, never. I want to go, but Ruff and Tumble say it's too expensive. I've never flown in a plane. We always go everywhere in Mabel's car. It's boring!
Splodge: You've never swum underwater either. That isn't boring. I can teach you. It's more fun than flying!
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