1. My friends are going to a fast food restaurant. I really want to go with my friends. 2. This is Sally's jacket. Please give it to Sally. 3. Jessica and I think the homework is difficult. Help Jessica and me, please. 4. Jason's very active and outgoing. I love hanging out with Jason. 5. I can't find my camera. Have you got my camera? 6. Sheila and Jim were at the museum. Did you see Sheila and Jim?

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Ответ дал: UnitedAssist

1. They are going to a fast food restaurant. I really want to go with them.

2. This is Sally's jacket. Please give her it.

3. We think the homework is difficult. Help us, please.

4. He is very active and outgoing. I love hanging out with him.

5. I can't find it. Have you got it?

6. They were at the museum. Did you see them?

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