8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.
I didn't sleep (not sleep) well last night.
1 As l
2 At six o'clock in the morning I
3 While they
the audience
4 He
5 He
on his guitar
6 She
(walk) past the bus stop I
(see) my friend Nick.
7 The woman
the judges
(perform), the people in
(dance) to the music!
(play) some really good music and
(finish) with an impressive solo!
(play) some chords when a string
(drop) the brush and
(splash) the paint all over the place
(dance) when one of
(buzz) her act! & St



Ответ дал: Mishavji


1. As I **walked** past the bus stop, I **saw** my friend Nick.

2. At six o'clock in the morning, I **was sleeping**.

3. While the audience **performed**, the people **danced** to the music!

4. He **played** some really good music and **finished** with an impressive solo!

5. He **was playing** some chords when a string **broke**.

6. She **dropped** the brush and **splashed** the paint all over the place.

7. The woman **was dancing** when one of the judges **buzzed** her act!

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