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3 Read the text again. Match sentences A-G to gaps 1-5 in the text. There are two sentences that you do not need. A Amazingly, for example, they had running water and central heating. B Luckily, there was very little crime in Ancient Rome. C However, they didn't have much free time because they needed to do their chores. D That was because it was safer and more private to face the courtyard and not the street. E The only season when they ate inside was winter. F In many ways, they were as attractive as a millionaire's mansion today. G Several generations lived together under one roof, including aunts, uncles and cousins.​


Ответ дал: keneshevkairat07


I apologize for the confusion. Here's the matching of sentences A-G to gaps 1-5:

1. F In many ways, they were as attractive as a millionaire's mansion today.

2. G Several generations lived together under one roof, including aunts, uncles, and cousins.

3. D That was because it was safer and more private to face the courtyard and not the street.

4. E The only season when they ate inside was winter.

5. C However, they didn't have much free time because they needed to do their chores.

I hope this helps you match the sentences to the gaps in the text.

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