5 USE IT! Work in small groups. Give a presentation about a music movement. 1 Choose a popular music movement. 2 Make notes about the following things: • values and ideas ● style of music • fashion 3 Give your presentation to the rest of the class. 4 Vote for the best presentation.​


Ответ дал: veronikatkachuk92

Title: The Punk Rock Movement

Slide 1: Introduction

- Introduce the topic of the presentation.

- Mention that we will be discussing the Punk Rock Movement.

Slide 2: Values and Ideas

- Punk rock emerged in the 1970s and was characterized by rebellion against the mainstream.

- Core values and ideas included anti-authoritarianism, individualism, and a DIY (do it yourself) ethos.

- Punk rock was a response to societal issues and a desire for raw, unpolished expression.

Slide 3: Style of Music

- Punk rock is known for its energetic and fast-paced music.

- It features short songs, simple chord progressions, and often rebellious and politically charged lyrics.

- Notable bands include The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and The Clash.

Slide 4: Fashion

- Punk fashion was a way of expressing rebellion and non-conformity.

- Typical punk fashion elements included leather jackets, torn clothing, band t-shirts, and distinctive hairstyles (such as mohawks).

- Accessories like spikes and safety pins were also common.

Slide 5: Impact and Legacy

- The punk rock movement had a significant impact on music, fashion, and culture.

- It paved the way for alternative and indie music scenes.

- The punk spirit of rebellion and DIY ethos continues to influence artists and subcultures today.

Slide 6: Conclusion

- Summarize the key points of the presentation.

- Invite questions or comments from the audience.

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