срочно все на фото пжпжпжпжп все мои бали !!!!!!74бали ​



Ответ дал: dianapodlesova


a) 2. Her parents were doing the shopping while she was walking the dog.

3. Sue was meeting her friend in the airport at 4 o'clock yesterday.

4. Some children were running in the park when it started to rain.

5. Mark was waiting for you near the office at 6 o'clock yesterday

b) 2. He was driving a car when the dog ran into the road

3. Betty broke the vase when she was cleaning her room.

4. Mother looked out of the window and saw that her son was going home.

5. Ted opened the mail-box and found a newspaper and some letters there.

6. When the parents came back home, Lizzy was washing up and her little brother was playing with the cat in the living-room.

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