1. Make the right choice according to the text. 1. The home of the Hunzas is in ... a) the Caucasus b) India c) Africa 2. of people in the world are a hundred years old or more. a) Dozens b) Thousands c) Hundreds 3. One old man in Azerbaijan said he was 168 because he could not ... *** a) count b) add up c) read 4. Young people sometimes added years to their age because they did not ... a) know their real age b) want to join the army c) remember the past 5. The three things important for a long and healthy life are fresh air, fresh food and ... a) fresh water b) a simple way of life c) work near the house pow where people live guts we 6. The Hunzas did not eat much food, and they only ate ... food. a) cooked b) tasty c) fresh 7. Sir Robert McCarrison has a theory that ... leads to a long, happy and healthy life. a) the right diet b) the diet of vegetables and fruit c) the diet of polished rice and sugar First 8. If you want to be a hundred follow these rules for success. choose your parents and grandparents carefully. Secondl the right place. Thirdly, a) choose the right diet b) choose faraway countries c) choose the right kind of job ... travelling urakan ​


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