Complete the sentences with the correct indefinite pronouns
1. The classroom is empty. There's___there.
2. He looked in the bag but there was____ inside.
3. She wants to play badminton with____, but ___wants to play with her.
4.I have just remembered that I need to buy____ for my sister's birthday!
5. Did you say ___? No, I didn't say____.
6. Did you see___ good on TV last night? No, there wasn't_____good on.
7.I think I lost my keys____. I hope___ finds them and brings them back.
8. There's___ home. I think my parents went____ to eat.
9.I want to eat___but there's___ in the fridge and I can't cook___.
10. I can't think of ____fun to do this weekend. Maybe I'll go___ in the mountains.
11. I need to tell you___but it's a secret, don't tell___else.​


Ответ дал: vraitsn


1. The classroom is empty. There's nobody there.

2. He looked in the bag but there was nothing inside.

3. She wants to play badminton with somebody, but nobody wants to play with her.

4. I have just remembered that I need to buy something for my sister's birthday!

5. Did you say anything? No, I didn't say anything.

6. Did you see anything good on TV last night? No, there wasn't anything good on.

7. I think I lost my keys somewhere. I hope someone finds them and brings them back.

8. There's nobody home. I think my parents went somewhere to eat.

9. I want to eat something but there's nothing in the fridge and I can't cook anything.

10. I can't think of anything fun to do this weekend. Maybe I'll go somewhere in the mountains.

11. I need to tell you something but it's a secret, don't tell anyone else.

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