3. I'd like to eat at the restaurant____we met.
4. The car______family. cost more than 20,000 dollars, was a present from his
5. The company_____probably go bankrupt. workers are now being forced to stay home, will
6. This is the bar_____I work.

7. I'll always remember the day_____we met.
8. You should write a thank you email to the lady______of the accident assisted you the night
9. Sony is building a robot_____ humans. can form an 'emotional connection' with

10. Apple co-founder Steve Jobs_____ a rare form of pancreatic cancer. died in October at the age of 56, had
11. Can you give me back the book____I lent you last year?

12. Is that the man______ house was destroyed by the hurricane?
13. Why don't we book a room at the hotel_____ we stayed last year?

14. Is that the boy____ insulted you?
15. William Colgate_____ name is on toothpaste tubes all around the world, left home because the family was very poor.​


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