I. Choose the correct

1. We are a close family and
we get with\up\on well with each other.

 2. There are three of \from\
with us in our family: mother, father and I.

3. Why are animals important to\for \ about people?

4.  Where can I change Russian money for\on\ into British pounds?

5.  He made friends to\for\with a very smart boy.

6. Last year I read a story of\ by\ from M. Twain

Sonya06062003: 1. get on well - налаживать отношения
2. change into - обменять, поменять, перевести во что-то
3. made friends with - обзавестись другом
4. three of us - трое нас / с нами
5. important for - важны для чего то/ кого-то
6. read a story by - историю чью - Марка Твена


Ответ дал: Ботаник122
1. We are a close family and
we get up well with each other.

 2. There are three from us in our family: mother, father and I.

3. Why are animals important for people?

4.  Where can I change Russian money  into British pounds?

5.  He made friends with a very smart boy.

6. Last year I read a story by M.Twain

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