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Try foods that are easy to eat and that will help you to better. Soup and yogurt are both good. Avoid eating spicy dishes, like curry, or having sour things like lemon juice, because they will ............ your stomach. You also need to eat some food with fat in it, like nuts and cheese, because a small amount of fat is good for you.

Finally, remember all the times you've ever? ill. Most of ...........colds as young children. What food did your parents give you then? Some scientists advise eating the same types of food you've eaten US

............ you were very young. The positive memories of these times can be very helpful in and making you better.
Варианты ответа:
0 A very

B enough

C too

D even

1 A feel

B be

C think

D have

B completely

D nearly

2 A easily

3 A already

4 A come

C really

C yet

B still

D once

B go

C stay

D get

D another

5 A every

C no

B any

B hurt

6 A cut

D break

C injure

C done

B made

D been

7 A gone

8 A caught

B took

C kept

D found

9 A before

B for

C since

D from

10 A illness

B fitness

C problem

D health


Ответ дал: olesag427


C tooA easilyB evenD onceA everyD beenA goneA caughtB forD health

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