5a Complete each sentence with an appropriate verb in the correct form. More than one answer might be possible. 1 I've never on TV but I was once on the radio. how to swim. 2 My mum's never 3 1 1. 4 My brother's never. 5 Last year l 61 asleep on the bus yesterday. a bike. He prefers walking! my uncle's sports car. It was fast. Chinese food for the first time last night. очень нужно​


Ответ дал: Homak25


I've never appeared on TV, but I was once on the radio.

My mum's never ridden a bike. She prefers walking!

I learned how to swim.

My brother's never eaten Chinese food.

Last year, I fell asleep on the bus yesterday.

I rode my uncle's sports car. It was fast.


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