Task 2. Choose the correct variant. 11. We can come to a conclusion that the teller helped the vet A). as a part of daily routine. B). on his own initiative. C). for fun. D). against his will. 12. The dog looked strange because one could easily see her A). eyes. B). body. C). tail. D). skin. 13. Minnie`s masters wanted to A). get rid of her B). find her a new family. C). have her treated. D). go to sleep 14. The dog seemed to have A). a nice tail. B). nice hair, C). nice character D). a nice appearance. 15. The vet made all the necessary A). corrections. B). reflections. C). inflections. D). attractions. 16. The teller used the media to address A). the dog`s masters. B). the public. C). the vet. D). the dog. 17. The man who called needed the dog A). to eat somebody. B). to hunt somebody. C). to please somebody. D). to find somebody. 18. The dog seemed to get a good … before leaving A). caring B). beating. C). piercing. D). sharing. 19. At the vet`s the two boys moved very A). quickly. B). calmly. C). confidently. D). indifferently. 20. In the car, Minnie`s tail showed her A). readiness to fly. B). wish to escape. C). eagerness to eat. D). emotional state.


Ответ дал: stepurskaz14


11. B) on his own initiative.

12. D) skin.

13. C) have her treated.

14. C) nice character.

15. A) corrections.

16. B) the public.

17. D) to find somebody.

18. A) caring.

19. A) quickly.

20. D) emotional state.


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