1 Match the names of foods to the descriptions. There are more words than you need.
(caper - cod - kidney - nutmeg - oyster - venison)
1 _______________ – a powerful spice used to give flavour especially to cakes and sauces
2 _______________ – an animal body organ which can be cooked and eaten
3 _______________ – a large sea fish
4 _______________ – a kind of shellfish with a shell in two parts that can be eaten
5 _______________ – a small green flower bud, pickled in vinegar, added to various dishes and sauces for extra flavour
2 Complete the sentences with the missing words. The first letters of the words have been given.
1 As soon as I opened the door I heard the c_____________ of glasses; I knew the party had started.
2 The eggs are already s_____________ in the pan; breakfast will be ready in a minute.
3 She hates all seafood – she says it’s s_____________ and disgusting.
4 The restaurant is on the 20th floor; even though you’re in the centre of town, you can’t hear the h_____________ of traffic.
5 I don’t like the sound of balloons p_____________; it makes me start.


Ответ дал: viktoriatrocin3


**Match the names of foods to the descriptions:**

1. Nutmeg – a powerful spice used to give flavor especially to cakes and sauces

2. Kidney – an animal body organ that can be cooked and eaten

3. Cod – a large sea fish

4. Oyster – a kind of shellfish with a shell in two parts that can be eaten

5. Caper – a small green flower bud, pickled in vinegar, added to various dishes and sauces for extra flavor

6. Venison – deer meat

**Complete the sentences with the missing words:**

1. As soon as I opened the door, I heard the **clinking** of glasses; I knew the party had started.

2. The eggs are already **sizzling** in the pan; breakfast will be ready in a minute.

3. She hates all seafood – she says it’s **slimy** and disgusting.

4. The restaurant is on the 20th floor; even though you’re in the center of town, you can’t hear the **hum** of traffic.

5. I don’t like the sound of balloons **popping**; it makes me start.

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