Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1 Indian curries are often full of chillies and very hot and ____.
a smoky b spicy c sticky
2 The food at the hostel was really _____. It was boring and tasteless.
a bland b smooth c tough
3 Rice is believed ____ originated in China.
a having b that it c to have
4 I really can’t stand ____ at.
a to be laughed b laughed c being laughed
5 Our day out began well but soon went ____ Everything went wrong!
a pear-shaped b to a pie in the sky c in a nutshell
6 Check the use-____ date before cooking what’s in the tin.
a for b by c to
7 The sauce has been ______ with flour.
a thickened b thicken c thickness
8 The ______ of the project will depend on how hard the participants work. a succeed b success c successful
9 We decided to go home ______.
a by a taxi b by the taxi c by taxi
10 Hardly ____ the students ate breakfast.
a a few of b none of c any of


Ответ дал: kaguellion

1b 2a 3c 4c 5a 6b 7b 8b 9c 10a.

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