Book: to ask 13 Questions and 13 answers, using Present Simple and Present Continuous. Use words DO YOU, HOW OFTEN, RARELY, SELDOM, SOMETIMES, OFTEN, EVERY DAY, USUALLY, NEVER, EVER and so on.​


Ответ дал: shvidenkovictoria


1. Q: How often do you go to the gym?

A: I go to the gym every day.

2. Q: What do you usually have for breakfast?

A: I usually have cereal for breakfast.

3. Q: How often do you eat out at restaurants?

A: I rarely eat out at restaurants.

4. Q: Do you ever cook at home?

A: Yes, I cook at home sometimes.

5. Q: How often do you check your email?

A: I check my email every day.

6. Q: How often do you visit the library?

A: I seldom visit the library.

7. Q: How often do you visit your grandparents?

A: I visit my grandparents seldom.

8. Q: Do you often travel for work?

A: Yes, I often travel for work.

9. Q: How often do you watch TV?

A: I watch TV every evening.

10. Q: Do you ever go for a run in the morning?

A: Yes, I go for a run in the morning sometimes.

11. Q: How often do you play a musical instrument?

A: I never play a musical instrument.

12. Q: Are you planning any trips soon?

A: Yes, I'm planning a trip soon.

13. Q: How often do you clean your house?

A: I clean my house every weekend.

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