Write ani e-mail to a friend about your last trip---- ПЖ ПОМОГИТЕ СПОЧНО


Ответ дал: ennwq
Dear имя,

I hope this email finds you happy and healthy. This summer vacation we came to Goa. Our group comprises the four members of the Gandhi household and my cousins, Roshni and Jai.

We landed in Goa on the 24th of April. Goa is undoubtedly my favourite holiday destination now. We are staying at the Royal Inn and have access to a private beach. Roshni and I wake at 8 am and go for a walk on the beach. Later, when the others awake, we all have breakfast together and then hit the beach. We have our lunches and snacks with tea on the beach everyday and practically live there. It is absolutely perfect. I went shopping too and I bought some souvenirs for you. I will return tomorrow and immediately come to see you. I can not wait to give you the presents. How is your vacation going and how is everyone at home? Eagerly waiting to hear from you soon.

Yours lovingly,
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