Розкий дужки уживаючи подані в них слова в присвійному відмінку (My mother) name, ( my father) name, (Dima) books, (Nina) dress, ( my granny) dog, ( the children) ball, ( my elder brother) family, ( my uncle) farm, ( his friends ) car, ( the girl) name, ( the boys) room, ( my grandfather and grandmother ) house, ( the cat ) tail, ( Alice) parents, ( my cousins) address.


Ответ дал: Iambossiarych


Объяснение:Доброго вечору, ваша відповідь повинна виглядати так:

My mother's name.

My father's name.

Dima's books.

Nina's dress.

My granny's dog.

The children's ball.

My elder brother's family.

My uncle's farm.

His friends' car.

The girl's name.

The boys' room.

My grandfather and grandmother's house.

The cat's tail.

Alice's parents.

My cousins' address.

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