1) Which stages of English education do you know? 2) What do pupils do at primary schools? (3) Which marks do you know? 4) Which terms do you know? 5) Which clothes da znatish pupils wear? (6) What are com secondary schon 7) Which option="/ school? B) which exams SCH bubils have at​


Ответ дал: PandaSuper
1) English education typically includes primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education (university or college).

2) At primary schools, pupils learn fundamental subjects like English, mathematics, science, and social studies. They also develop basic skills in reading, writing, and arithmetic.

3) Marks in education usually range from A to F, with A representing excellent and F indicating failure.

4) In education, terms often refer to academic periods, such as the fall term and spring term, or the first and second semesters.

5) Pupils commonly wear school uniforms, which vary in style and color depending on the school's regulations.

6) It seems there's a typo in your question. Did you mean "What are secondary schools?" Secondary schools typically follow primary education and precede tertiary education, covering a broader and more in-depth curriculum.

7) Exams for pupils can vary based on the educational system and level. Common exams include end-of-term assessments, standardized tests, and, at higher levels, public exams like the GCSEs (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or A-levels in the UK.
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