Student A: Imagine you found yourself in a dangerous situation and luckily you managed to survive. Tell Student B about your experience. explaining what happened, what you did and how you felt. Answer any questions he/she may have. Use some of the words/phrases in the box.

hiking; hang off; shout; be in luck; bear; shake with fear; slip; chase; hold on; edge; cliff; panic; terrified; pull up; relieved
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Ответ дал: parartov

Hey, I had a really intense experience while hiking last weekend. So, I was exploring this new trail, which had some pretty steep cliffs along the path. Everything was fine until I suddenly slipped near the edge. I was hanging off the cliff, holding on for dear life! My heart was pounding, and I was shaking with fear.

Just then, I heard a bear nearby. It was terrifying to think it might come my way. I tried to shout for help, but I was also scared to attract the bear's attention. The bear started to come closer, and I thought I was done for. But luckily, it got distracted and chased after something else. That was when I realized I was in luck.

Somehow, I managed to pull myself up. The whole situation felt surreal, like a panic-inducing nightmare. When I was finally back on solid ground, I was so relieved I could barely stand. It was a stark reminder of how quickly things can turn dangerous in the wilderness.

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