Поставьте глаголы в нужное время, чтобы выразить будущее действие.
1) He (to meet) with his friend at 5 o'clock tomorrow.
2) The meeting (to start) at 8 am.
3) The film (to begin) at half past 7.
4) When the match (to start)?
5) You (to play) your football match tomorrow?
6) We (to have) a party next Wednesday.
7) The next train (to leave) at 6 pm.
8) The guest (to leave) next Friday.


Ответ дал: dianapodlesova


1) He will meet with his friend at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

2) The meeting will start at 8 am.

3) The film will begin at half past 7.

4) When will the match start?

5) Will you play your football match tomorrow?

6) We will have a party next Wednesday.

7) The next train will leave at 6 pm.

8) The guest will leave next Friday.

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