Перекласти речення, вставивши попередньо пропуски:
1. The main river.
..the country the Dnieper which ... the third longest ... Europe.
Most other Ukrainians have jobs... service industries such... education .. health care.
3/We…. proud...
our native city, its culture
4. A picturesque panorama the city can be seen its gigantic dam


Ответ дал: itop26top


   The main river, which through the country, is the Dnieper, which is the third longest river in Europe. Most other Ukrainians have jobs in service industries such as education and health care.

   We are proud of our native city, its culture, and heritage.

   A picturesque panorama of the city can be seen from its gigantic dam.


meowwxsn: у вас в первом ошибка
meowwxsn: там не нужно вставлять слова, так как там the, поэтому до него будет is
itop26top: скажите пожалуйста где?
meowwxsn: без runs
itop26top: спасибо
Ответ дал: meowwxsn

1. The main river, which is the Dnieper, is the third longest in Europe. Most other Ukrainians have jobs in service industries such as education and health care.

2. We are proud of our native city, its culture, and heritage.

3. A picturesque panorama of the city can be seen from its gigantic dam.

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