Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в present perfect. & No.1 No. They Unfortunately, (you/ask) for more time to finish the project? (not see) Mr Davis today at all. (Mr Jones/give) everyone a copy of the timetable? (not have) time to get them photocopied, (they/move) the geography lesson to Friday afternoon? (not move) it it's still tomorrow at 3.30 pm. [your friends ck to meet us after school? (not get) time today (the class/prepare) the presentation for the jusson? (not start) it because we have some other work to do first. (not manage) to do my maths homework for today. (you/speak) to your maths teacher about this? (Katy/choose) what courses to take next term? (not say) anything to me about it. (you/read) the report in the school paper about the football team? (not buy) a copy but I will​


Ответ дал: Topcreep

Грамматика Present Perfect Tense:


subject + have\has + Verb3

Пример: I have visited Paris. - Я посетил Париж (когда-то).


subject + have not \ has not + Verb3

Пример: I have not visited that museum. - Я не посещал тот музей.


have/has + subject + Verb3

Пример: Have you visited that museum? - Ты посещал тот музей?


Have используется с:
- We (мы) ;

- They (они) ;

- You (ты, вы) ;

- Во множительном числе.

Has используется с:

- He (он) ;

- She (она) ;

- It (это) ;

- В Единственном числе.


1. Unfortunately, have you asked them for more time to finish the project? 2. I have not seen Mr. Davis today at all.

3. Has Mr. Jones given everyone a copy of the timetable?

4. They have not had time to get them photocopied, have they moved the geography lesson to Friday afternoon?

5. They have not moved it, it's still tomorrow at 3:30 pm.

6. Have your friends met us after school?

7. They have not gotten time today, has the class prepared the presentation for the lesson?

8.We have not started it because we have some other work to do first.

9. I have not managed to do my math homework for today.

10. Have you spoken to your math teacher about this?

11. Has Katy chosen what courses to take next term?

12.They have not said anything to me about it.

13. Have you read the report in the school paper about the football team?

14. I have not bought a copy, but I will.

Вот ссылки на статьи по Present Perfect:
1. Puzzle English:


2. Skymart:


3. British Council - Present Perfect:


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