здравствуйте! помогите пожалуйста 27.3


nurapolo220: помогите


Ответ дал: sidcoa
The windows aren't dirty. You needn't clean them.
I must hurry. I mustn't be late.
This letter is very important. You mustn't lose it.
We have lots of time. We needn't take an umbrella. It's not going to rain.
This is a secret. You mustn't tell anybody.
You needn't buy a newspaper. You can have mine.
I'm not ready yet, but you needn't wait for me. You can go now, and I'll come later.
I'm not ready yet, but you must wait for me.
(a parent speaking to a child) You mustn't stick your tongue out at people. It's not polite.
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