помогите с английским пожалуйста, фото ниже​



Ответ дал: meliora03


1. John didn’t study for the exam, which was a very stupid thing.

2. We flew to New York in the Concorde, which is the fastest passenger plane in the


3. Smallpox, which once killed thousands of people every year, has disappeared.

4. I passed him a large glass of whisky, which he drank immediately.

5. The small man, whom nobody recognized, was Lisa’s husband.

6. This is Mr Jones, who writes poetry.

7. This is Felicity, whose sister you met last week.

8. He swam across the English Channel, which is hard to believe.

9. Her wife, whose name was Angela, died last year.

10. Borges, who never won the Nobel Prize, was a wonderful writer.

11. A man from our village, whose children I taught, was on TV last night.

12. Charlie Chaplin, whose films amused millions, died in 1977.

13. My parents, whom you met last month, send their best wishes.

14. The parcel, which they had opened carefully, contained a bomb.

15. The match, which they filmed this afternoon, will be shown on TV tonight.

16. His sisters, whom I saw last year, are identical twins.

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