составить предложения со всеми словами на английском, дам много баллов!!!!!помогите пожалуйста ​


kovalenkohdnbdb: Дaм oтвeт втeлeграмме hаhоbn.


Ответ дал: ak4266569

Be honest with your daughter.

I dislike dishonest people.

Don't be so selfish towards your friends.

I want to find an unselfish person to befriend with.

I need to make up with Lisa,I really miss her.

We need to come up with a great project idea.

I really appreciate your hard work Mary.

I've been passionate about dancing, it's so fun!

I feel bad for Anna and Lisa,we need to bring them together.

You should take up for sport to keep the great shape.

I trust my sister, she's the most closest person i have.

Back then,bread was really worthwhile.

Mary is a trustworthy friend.

I can't bear in mind,that my friend betrayed me.

Try chit-chatting with your crush.

Let's team up for this project.

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