СРОЧНО!! написати листа ДАЮ 80 БАЛОВ



Ответ дал: mikhail2011ole

Відповідь:Dear Emily,

I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are you? I like your choice to be an actress. And I know that you are very talented and you’ll become a famous actress.

As for my plans I always wanted to be a singer. You know that I love singing. But unfortunately I often have a sore throat, and the doctor said that it was impossible. So I decided to be a teacher of English. I study English and German and this is what I like as much as singing.

To be ready for my future profession, firstly, I listen to English songs and watch English movies. Secondly, I learn words when I’m walking along the street or even cycling. But the most important thing is language practice. I try to speak to native speakers if I have such an opportunity wherever I am.

If I want to be a successful teacher I have to be communicative. Moreover I must love children and love to work with them and, of course, I have to understand children’s behavior.

Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a line, please. And give my regards to your family.

Best wishes,



poopykalima: У тебя есть некоторые грамматические ошибки
poopykalima: Ну ладно, не думаю что их кто то заметит
Ответ дал: poopykalima
This weekend, Bobby and Andrew are going to play football, after that Andrew’s parent’s are going to take them out for pizza. After pizza, Bobby and Andrew are going to play computer games. On Sunday, Bobby and Andrew are going to stay up late. Then they’re going to go on a mountain hike with Andrew’s dad.

Tina and Dorothy are going to spend the weekend together. First, Tina and Dorothy will meet Dorothy’s friends and go for a walk, After that they’re going to see a film. On Sunday, Dorothy’s friend, Jane, will have a birthday party, and they’re gonna help Jane make sandwiches.
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